Thursday, May 13, 2021

Of Dominoes and Dams: The Rise and Fall of the Bayless Paper Mill (Potter County)

The ruins of the infamous dam that caused the Austin Flood

    Remember playing with dominos? We all probably at some point in our lives made a long line of neatly stacked dominoes. If you did everything right and the dominoes were spaced out correctly, once you toppled that first domino, the entire line would follow suit in a spectacular chain reaction. If the alignment was off even by a little bit, the line would come to a halt. At this point, you could either start over, or simply topple the next domino to continue the effect. Regardless, in the end there was quite a mess to clean up.
  However, for a small town in the heart of the Pennsylvania Wilds, the mess that resulted from a domino chain of disaster that occurred over a century ago changed the community forever.