Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Man in Black (Austin, Potter County)

The ruins of the infamous dam that caused the Austin Flood

The town of Austin in wonderfully rugged Potter County is known for dam that almost wiped it off the map over a century ago. The Austin Dam Disaster still stands as the second worst dam failure in Pennsylvania's history and the sixth deadliest dam disaster in the United States. Even before the dam completely failed, it exhibited several warnings that disaster was unavoidable. Sadly, all of these warnings went unheeded by the town and the paper company responsible for its construction. However, it appears that while the dam was sending signals of impending disaster, a gentleman in black appeared out of nowhere to offer a warning from beyond the grave...

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Cry Me a Squonk- A Pennsylvania Cryptid


North-central Pennsylvania is a haven for all sorts of wildlife, from the majestic bull elk bugling from the hollows to the shy songbirds that call from the tree tops. Few places can top such diversity and natural beauty. However, there is one species that few people, save the most seasoned sportsmen, have probably seen. More elusive than an old whitetail buck or cagey fisher, this animal has never been successfully captured  and probably never will....